“I have never seen a movie like Pictures of Superheroes… It is unlike anything I have ever seen before; its unique and its going to stick with me.”
– Todd Berger, Writer/Director It’s a Disaster

Pictures Of Superheroes […] takes great pleasure in reducing things to their ludicrously abstract basics [and] features a reasonable amount of amiable absurdity, all of it revolving around the deadpan confusion and go-with-it resignation of Marie, whose dark glasses and perpetually slumped shoulders make her resemble an older, more beaten-down version of MTV cartoon teen Daria.”
– Nick Schager, The Dissolve

“a real gem of a comedy… absolute must-see… esoteric and hilarious…”
– Mike Everleth, Underground Film Journal

“Four Stars… You should just watch and experience this flick first-hand; the less you know about it, the better. I can see this one garnering a cult following.”
– Mark Bell, Film Threat

“Absurd, hilarious and totally irreverent Pictures of Superheroes is one of my favourite comedy films of the year, independent or otherwise.”
– Capey, Fruitless Pursuts

“…creates a potent, dreamily off-kilter atmosphere that is enthralling… there is a one of a kind feeling to this film.”
– Julian Wright, Reel Review Roundup

“…a weird and wonderful slice of bizarro humour and eccentric characters… impossible to pigeon-hole… plays like a mash-up of mumblecore comedy and Wes Anderson-type eccentricity with a dash of Monty Python.”
– Simon Foster, Screen-Space

“[E]verything in the film—down to the slightest, single scene supporting role—is so in its element that I put the whole thing in that category of films not meant to be watched, but films specifically built to be re-watched and re-watched and re-watched. […] and one that shows the lashing, vibrant, aliveness of contemporary, independent American comedic cinema […] restlessly earnest, not for a moment derivative, not for a moment shying from the taking the risks that lead not only to laughter, but to a genuine delight at all that cinema can evoke.”
– Pablo D’Stair, Battle Royale With Cheese

“…it takes a certain kind of consistency – the kind that John Waters might best typify – to make a film’s world seem simultaneously surreal and mundane.”
– Sean Malin, Cinemalin

Pictures of Superheroes delves deeply into interpersonal relationships, specifically focusing on the disconnections and selfishness that seem to have become inherent in our oh-so-hectic modern society.”
– Don Simpson, Smells Like Screen Spirit

“The film is as absurd as it sounds, but it does not feel haphazard or meaninglessly silly. It’s like an extended Mr. Show sketch with a sloppy heart.”
– Matthew Odam, Austin American Statesman

“Maybe it’s a film about the existential ennui of Marie’s dull grind of a life, or possibly a celebration of adults who eat ice cream for breakfast; mainly, though, Pictures of Superheroes is a terrific, and odd, ensemble piece with what seems like at least half of Austin’s best actors popping up in every other scene. It’s not an easy film to describe without […] referencing Steven Soderbergh‘s early exercise in cinematic absurdism, Schizopolis.”
– Marc Savlov, Austin Chronicle

“Don Swaynos emerges with a fully formed comedic voice… a firm grasp of tone, and plenty of amusing gags under his belt”
– Simon Miraudo, Quickflix

“Like the lovechild of Todd Solondz and the Duplass Brothers and complete with similacrums of Zach Galifianakis and Mary-Louise Parker, this film is equally surreal, affectionate, and endearing.”
– Sydney Underground Film Festival

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